Is Your Affair Worth The Risk?

Is Your Affair Worth The Risk?

And although it is completely understandable why it might be challenging to rethink the three myths outlined above, its worth the risk. You might just save your marriage. Studies suggest that anywhere from 20% to 40% of married individuals engage in some form of infidelity during their lifetime. Thats a whole lot of hearts being broken and trust. Random circumstances making risk of being caught almost zero.

And although it is completely understandable why it might be challenging to rethink the three myths outlined above, its worth the risk. You might just save your marriage. Studies suggest that anywhere from 20% to 40% of married individuals engage in some form of infidelity during their lifetime. Thats a whole lot of hearts being broken and trust. Random circumstances making risk of being caught almost zero.

In this article, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of stepping outside the bounds of your committed partnership. From emotional fulfillment to temporary relief from. Before you make a choice youll regret, consider these 11 dangers that could completely derail your life. Your secret wont stay secret for long. Think you can keep an.

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You deserve a love that is willing to risk everything for you
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Alice Kuipers Quote: “Number 40: Love is worth the risk.”
Kennedy Ryan Quote: “You’re worth the risk.”