Fubar stands for fouled up beyond all recognition. see an example of how people use it. Fubar is an acronym that stands for fouled up beyond all recognition or fouled up beyond all repair. It originated during world war ii among american soldiers and has since become a common slang expression to describe situations that are irrevocably messed up. In its essence, fubar is used to describe any situation, project, or plan that has gone terribly wrong, to the point of no return. It's a recognition of a state of disarray so.
It is used to describe situations or things that are completely messed up, broken,. Fubar means that a situation or thing is completely messed up or ruined, and it is an acronym that stands for fouled up beyond all recognition. Fubar, meaning f***ed up beyond all recognition, is a slang term with military roots that has evolved into popular culture. Explore its usage, examples, and statistical. Fubar stands for fucked up beyond any recognition/repair. Literally translated, it means something like broken beyond recognition. A little more freely:. Ive also read, in a few usenet threads discussing saving private ryan, that fubar may be a mispronunciation of the german word furchtbar, which as far as i can tell.
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