In her latest role, squibb plays thelma post, a needlepointing grandma determined to track down the criminals who scam her out of $10,000 as part of a fake kidnapping scheme. June squibb as thelma in thelma. The film is loosely based on a story about margolin's own grandmother thelma post, who can be seen in footage at the end of the. Thelma is partly based on a true story that unfolded in filmmaker josh margolins own life. The writer/directors grandmother, the real thelma post, received a phone call where.
Cultura colectiva es la plataforma digital ms grande de mxico y amrica latina con un alcance significativo en argentina, chile, colombia y espaa. En 2017, cultura colectiva abri una. Director josh margolin and stars june squibb, fred hechinger and clark gregg stop by the hollywood reporter's studio during the sundance film festival to talk about their. Director ridley scott and writer callie khouri amalgamated various stories and. Geena davis really wanted to play louise, so she spent a year pursuing ridley scott. I had my agent call ridley every week for almost a year, davis told vanity fair.
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